EdTechALL App available in Apple Store!
Sunday, 11 August 2024
The final version of the app is now freely available in the Apple Store and can be used in schools with any Salzburg Begreifen card.
**The innovative EdTechALL project concludes in August 2024, leaving behind a valuable resource for the educational sector. The application developed as part of this project was created in close collaboration with schoolchildren and educators to build a practical and user-friendly learning platform.**
**Following the completion of the project, the EdTechALL app will be made available for free and can now be downloaded from the App Store. You can find the app at the following link: [EdTechALL in the App Store](https://apps.apple.com/at/app/edtechall/id1560179081).**
**To encourage further development of the app and similar innovative educational projects, we are making the source code available as open source. Interested developers and education experts can access and contribute to the code here: [EdTechALL on GitHub](https://github.com/DigitalRealitiesLab/EdTechALL).**